We try to respond to posts within 3 business days and Colorado was hit with a massive snow storm Monday and Tuesday last week causing delays in getting back to folks. SparkFun was also closed Thursday through Sunday for the Thanksgiving holiday weekend so we were unable to respond then. Monday was spent digging out from the backlog caused by last weeks storm and the holiday weekend so we were unable to respond until now.
I’ve tried the [example code that is provided in [this github link and it’s working for me on both an Arduino Uno and the Artemis ATP.
I am experienced in hardware design and programming, but have very little experience with Arduino.
The program runs (yes I see “IIC testing…”), I have added several other print-statements to see the progress.
However, the “Wire.available()” statement always returns 0.
I2C address 0x00 is a broadcast address, so I have tested the board without any other boards on the I2C bus: But same result.
I have tried to change the Address from 0x00 to 0xFF in a loop, but “Wire.available()” always returns 0.
I also tried to change the “Measure Command” from 0x01 to 0xFF in a loop, but same result.
If I ever get the HC-SR04 to work with address 0x00, I guess I will have to change this address when I have other QWIIC equipment on the Bus? Is the code in Note 1 below supposed to be used to make a permanent change to the I2C address?
All other equipment works with the two Redboard Artemis CPU Boards that I have: One ATP and one “standard”.
Note1: Change the I2C address:
// Wire.beginTransmission(SLAVE_BROADCAST_ADDR); // transmit to device SLAVE_BROADCAST_ADDR
// int test = Wire.write(slave_address); // Change the SLAVE_ADDR
No, it shouldn’t block you from using the forums, but I’m not seeing your original post now. Another moderator may have deleted it since it’s not part of the original posters issue, I actually though you were the original poster when you replied.
In the future, please start a new thread if you don’t have the exact same issue as the original poster and your posts should be safe.
If you feel you have a defective part, Robot Gear should be happy to assist you in getting that replaced.
I see others are posting similar issues with the DMX shield to the Github repo, but they’re not being responded to here, hence trying here. I’m not convinced it’s faulty hardware yet.
I only posted to this thread after I was unable to create my own and I added a “me too” to the OP’s issue, in the hope that when their problem was resolved I would see the outcome.
I’ve had a mail in to support@sparkfun for 24 hours waiting for some help resolving my issue posting to the forum. Creating a fresh account here still results in a 403 when I post. I’m hoping you’re not blocking my Australian IP address (currently
Please feel free to cleanse my posts from this thread and I’ll wait for support to respond.
I’ll get you a new one gos. Don’t worry about sending the old one back.
Replacement ticket # 21812 has been issued. A customer service representative will process the ticket and send a replacement part out free of charge using a similar shipping method you used for your original order. You should also receive an E-mail notification that the replacement is on the way. Please do not send your device(s) back