Health concerns of exposure to RF vs IR (proximity sensors)

Hi gang -

I’m curious to know which is “safe” for medium-length to longer exposure, between RF and IR sensors.

A build I’m working on would have frequent/consistent polling intervals, and I want to prevent any harm to anyone regardless of the distance and however slight of intensity.

Anything I’ve been able to find indicates that COTS parts shouldn’t be a problem, but I’d like to know for sure.

As far as general use in public, which would be the better option between Infrared & RF?


More detail:

Animatronic motion control for tracking of people passing-by.

Distance should be no less than 1m.

Approx height TBD, either ~1m, or, could be positioned very low to track people’s legs/feet.

Frequency planned for one read per second, possibly slightly faster.

3 sensors, left/right/center.

Never heard of any hazards with IR. In the case of broad-spectrum RF signals, some research have been done.