hello, new with question SIK Experiment Guide for Arduino -

hi, i’m kimbo,

and i have commenced learning;

with reference to SIK Experiment Guide for Arduino - V3.3

Experiment 3: Driving an RGB LED

https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/si … an-rgb-led

my project gets the 8 colours ok -

but it doesn’t do the rainbow gradient thing.

when i look at the code, in sketch(?), i can’t understand if the rainbow gradient part is working or if it is something i need to paste into the section that is doing the 8 colours, replacing that section.

i wonder if perhaps the sketch(?) is not supposed to do both - 8 colors and rainbow gradient, but does one or the other.

i am embarrassed to ask this question - i suspect it is dumb:)



If you want to see the colors fade, you need to change

void loop()
  mainColors();        // Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Cyan, Purple, White
  //  showSpectrum();    // Gradual fade from Red to Green to Blue to Red


void loop()
  mainColors();        // Red, Green, Blue, Yellow, Cyan, Purple, White
  showSpectrum();    // Gradual fade from Red to Green to Blue to Red

The two slashes before the call to showSpectrum() cause the compiler to skip that part. Two slashes indicate a comment, and everything after them to the end of the line is ignored.

thanks darrellg :slight_smile: