Help! (Design help needed)

I need help designing a PCB board…my biggest problem is, I also need help figuring out all the componants I need.

I’m trying to make a boost converter for a 3.7v Li-on battery to 5v @ at least 1 amp or greater

Ideal size would be 19 mm wide or smaller, and no longer than 36mm long.

I’ll be the first to admit that electronics are not my specialty.

This is for a short production hobby project of mine, so I would be willing to pay for help with this!


Look into the Simple Switcher series by National. I used one of those on a project requiring 5V from 5-30V input on a design that was about 30 mm in diameter (circular board). They also have boost-converters.

Okay, i think that these might work.

But I’m still lost with what I would need to do to finish it off…

I tried using thier webbench tool, but it just keeps telling me it can’t do it?

I discovered I need at least 1.5 Amps, so the 3 above options will all work(I think)…

I know, you’re all probably thinking —> /facepalm

I am too:P

Look into the Simple Switcher series by National. I used one of those on a project requiring 5V from 5-30V input on a design that was about 30 mm in diameter (circular board). They also have boost-converters.

The simple switchers are rad because they have all the components integrated. But as far as I can tell, they are all buck converters.

You are looking at boost converters, which the chips you list work with.

When you’re making a boost converter circuit you have to be very careful with your PCB layout or you’ll get a poor output and lots of EMI generated by the board.

Monstrum, can you link me to a ‘simple switcher’ that is a boost converter?