Hi there,
I am new to programming, and am trying to program my arduino UNO to control a servo motor. I want the servo sweeping forward and backward between [0, 45] degree. But I found my code leads to response delay. It cost 4-5 second for the motor start running, and after one return (1 forward + 1 backward) it takes another 4-5 seconds for the motor to start another loop. I have no idea what’s wrong with my code. Please help me. Thanks a lot.
please check my code:
#include <ServoTimer2.h>
#define servoPin 9
ServoTimer2 myServo; // create servo object to control a servo
int pos = 0; // initial the servo position
void setup()
myServo.attach(servoPin); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object
void loop()
for(pos = 0; pos < 1500; pos += 1)
for(pos = 1500; pos>=1; pos-=1)
myServo.write(pos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'
My guess for the mystery delay is … that you start out with a pulsewidth (PW) = 0 usecs. Most servos only work with PWs from 1000 to 2000 usec (corresponding to 0 and 180 degrees, ideally). Some servos will take a wider range to either get better resolution or a wider range of motion. So the servo is going to be non-responsive until pos increments into the working range. If the loop runs every 5ms, it’s going to take 1000 iterations, or 5 secs, before pos equals 1000.
Your second for() looks rather odd to me. I’m surprised it works.
for(pos = 1500; pos>=1; pos-=1)
Might not both for() statements been better as (keeping your general idea and library);
#include <ServoTimer2.h>
const int ServoTimer2Pin = 9;
const int PWmin = 1000; //minimum PW
const int PWmax = 1250; //maximum PW
const int PWincr = 1; //amount to increment pos by each loop
ServoTimer2 myServoTimer2; // create ServoTimer2 object to control a ServoTimer2
int pos = PWmin; //initial the ServoTimer2 position
boolean slope = true; //set to positive slope
void setup()
myServoTimer2.attach(ServoTimer2Pin); // attaches ServoTimer2, pin 9 to ServoTimer2 object
void loop()
if(slope){ //test to see if position should increase
if(pos < PWmax){ //should increase, test to see if max position
pos += PWincr; //increment position by set amount
else{ //max PW commanded, now reverse direction
slope = false;
pos-= PWincr; //decrement position command
else{ //slope is negative, position should decrease
if(pos > PWmin){ //test to see if min PW has been commanded
pos-= PWincr; //nope, still decrease position
else{ //PW is at minimum, reverse direction.
slope = true;
pos+= PWincr; //increment position by set amount
myServoTimer2.write(pos); //write out position command
delay(5); //delay some msecs
Moreover the typical servo signal is a variable PW pulse happening every 20 msec. Changing the value every 5 msec would screwup the normal servo library function (I think). Perhaps your library “works” but the actual command is not changing every 5 msec. If you want to go from position X to Y in some specific amount of time, try using the VarSpeedServo library.
https://github.com/netlabtoolkit/VarSpe … /README.md
(Well, my point was that he was using the method which talks in degrees vs microseconds, therefore, 1500 degrees, while not between 0-180, does boil down to 1500 * 1500, which is about 2 1/4 seconds, which when swept back and forth comes out to about 5 seconds, and therefore, using the wrong command)
That ^^ could be true. I ASSumed the write command argument accepted usecs as it’s argument. He’s using an outdated library from what I could tell, so I don’t know what it accepts. The VarSpeedServo library is “smart”, an argument btw 0 and 180 is treated as degrees. A number btw 500 and 2500 is treated as usecs, otherwise it’s out of bounds.