I am having trouble connecting the WiFly board to local WiFi network. I’ve tried it with security turned on (WPA2) and with it turned off, I keep getting Disconn from acumen4,AUTH-ERR. I am hoping someone can spot something. Here are results of a scan:
SCAN:Found 1
Num SSID Ch RSSI Sec MAC Address Suites
1 acumen4 09 -59 Open 00:0c:41:c2:56:c0 2104 0
Then I say: join acumen4. I get this in response:
Auto-Assoc acumen4 chan=9 mode=OPEN SCAN OK
Joining acumen4 now..
Disconn from acumen4,AUTH-ERR
Auto-Assoc acumen4 chan=9 mode=OPEN SCAN OK
Joining acumen4 now..
Disconn from acumen4,AUTH-ERR
Auto-Assoc acumen4 chan=9 mode=OPEN SCAN OK
Joining acumen4 now..
Disconn from acumen4,AUTH-ERR
Auto-Assoc acumen4 chan=9 mode=OPEN SCAN OK
Joining acumen4 now..
DHCP: Start
So it seems like it worked, but it did not, because I send show net and get this in response (e.g. DHCP failed):
I am having trouble connecting the WiFly board to local WiFi network. I’ve tried it with security turned on (WPA2) and with it turned off, I keep getting Disconn from acumen4,AUTH-ERR. I am hoping someone can spot something. Here are results of a scan:
SCAN:Found 1
Num SSID Ch RSSI Sec MAC Address Suites
1 acumen4 09 -59 Open 00:0c:41:c2:56:c0 2104 0
The “Open” implies there is no password/phrase required.
Then I say: join acumen4. I get this in response:
Auto-Assoc acumen4 chan=9 mode=OPEN SCAN OK
Joining acumen4 now…
Disconn from acumen4,AUTH-ERR
Is there MAC-based access control in use on your Access Point?
I would suggest looking at your Access Point logs for an error message.
Disconn from acumen4,AUTH-ERR
Auto-Assoc acumen4 chan=9 mode=OPEN SCAN OK
Joining acumen4 now…
DHCP: Start
So it seems like it worked, but it did not, because I send *show net* and get this in response (e.g. DHCP failed):
Does your router list the WiFly module as successfully connected?
First, I happened upon a fella with a similar problem (viewtopic.php?f=13&t=24408), who suggested that bad grounding on the WiFly cards cause RF interference. So I moved the WiFly card as far away from the parent device as I could (few inches) and lo and behold it worked. It connected to a wifi network with NO security.
Then I tried to make it connect to a network with security and it just wouldn’t do it. I kept on getting AUTH-ERR. I tried all types of supported security schemes (as listed in reference guide), but nothing worked. Finally, I nailed it down to my password having a space in it. The ref guide states that spaces should be replaced by $ dollar signs, but this does not work. When I changed the password not to contain spaces, everything worked great.
I’m getting the same symptoms as mentioned here, and in the original post regarding “bad grounding”. Unfortunately I have a WiFly bee so moving it away from the Arduino isn’t such an easy task. I’m also using a Bees shield, from Seeed, in case this detail matters.
I can connect to my notebook in adhoc mode, but no matter if I have security set or open on the my wlan the WiFly cycles through this behavior :
Auto-Assoc CANEFIRE chan=11 mode=WEP SCAN OK
Joining CANEFIRE now..
Auto-Assoc CANEFIRE chan=11 mode=WEP SCAN OK
Joining CANEFIRE now..
Auto-Assoc CANEFIRE chan=11 mode=WEP SCAN OK
Joining CANEFIRE now..
Is there a way to improve the situation for a WiFly Bee by shielding it, or any other creative means? Happy to try whatever it takes.
The Netgear APs on the home wlan will only bridge & repeat using WEP in case you’re wondering why I’m bothering with that. They’re due to be replaced in a month or so, but can bring that forward too in the unlikely event that’s contributing to this issue.