help with qwiic thermocouple amplifier MCP9600

help with qwiic thermocouple amplifier MCP9600

i am a beginner so sorry if my question are little basics.

i orderd “qwiic thermocouple amplifier MCP9600” with Screw Terminal .

i would like to use in on an ordinary Arduino- > “arduino uno” one that doesn’t have qwiic connector

so my question is it possible ? i am guessing it is… so my questing

is how ?

i have the ground and the 3v3 to connect that is simple … now I have the SDA the SCL and the ALT1-4

so I’m guessing I need to connect at list 3 wires to my Arduino Uno in order for it to work and on top of it i need to configure the pins i used in order to get a reading …

so i don’t know where to connect them and how to configure them ?

The qwiic connectors include 3.3V, GND, SCL, and SDA. So since you don’t have the qwiic in your uno, you’ll need to connect those 4 to the corresponding pins on the uno. On some boards, the SCL and SDA are not labeled on the board as another connector is in the way. But they may be labeled on the side of the header and should be the two closest female connectors to the reset button. Check a pinout diagram like the one below if still not sure. … latest.pdf

I have never used this device (MCP9600), but it looks like the ALTn pins may be optional and can probably be connected to most any digital pin if you want or need to use them. As for configuring, If you haven’t already, look at the hookup guide (link from sparkfun’s product page in the Documents tab).

its working thank you