help with sw uart


In my applicatio msp430f427 is interfaced with CC1100.

is there anyone who can help me to realize a software uart for send received packets to pc?

TI has a couple of code examples for SW UARTs. I think I’ve tried one of them and it worked OK.


Do you refer to echo program?

I would a SW uart tx only.Could you help me?

This should do what you want:

#include  "msp430x11x1.h"
;   MSP-FET430x110 Demo - Timer_A UART 9600 Echo, HF XTAL ACLK 
;   Description: Use timer_A CCR0 hardware output modes and SCCI data latch to
;   to implement UART function @ 9600 baud. Software does not directly read and
;   write to RX and TX pins, instead proper use of output modes and SCCI data
;   latch are demonstrated. Use of these hardware features eliminates ISR 
;   latency effects as hardware insures that output and input bit latching and 
;   timing are perfectly synchronised with timer_A regardless of other 
;   software activity. In the Mainloop the UART function readies the UART to 
;   receive one character and waits in LPM0 with all activity interrupt driven. 
;   After a character has been received, the UART receive function forces exit 
;   from LPM0 in the Mainloop which echo's back the received character.
;   ACLK = MCLK = TACLK = HF XTAL = 3.579545MHz   
;   //*An external 3.579545Hz XTAL on XIN XOUT is required for ACLK*//	  
;                 MSP430F1121
;             -----------------
;         /|\|              XIN|-        
;          | |                 | 3.58Mhz
;          --|RST          XOUT|-        
;            |                 |         
;            |   CCI0A/TXD/P1.1|-------->  
;            |                 | 9600 8N1 
;            |   CCI0B/RXD/P2.2|<--------
RXD         equ    004h                ; RXD on P2.2
TXD         equ    002h                ; TXD on P1.1
;   CPU Registers Used
#define     RXTXData R4                    
#define     BitCnt   R5
;   Conditions for 9600 Baud HW/SW UART, ACLK = 3.579545MHz
Bitime_5     equ    0186                    ; ~ 0.5 bit length 
Bitime       equ    0373                    ; 104 us ~ 9596 baud
;   M.Buccini
;   Texas Instruments, Inc
;   March 2002
            ORG     0F000h                  ; 
RESET       mov.w   #300h,SP                ; Initialize stackpointer
SetupWDT    mov.w   #WDTPW+WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL  ; Stop Watchdog Timer
SetupBC     bis.b   #XTS,&BCSCTL1           ; LFXT1 = HF XTAL
SetupOsc    bic.b   #OFIFG,&IFG1            ; Clear OSC fault flag 
            mov.w   #0FFh,R15               ; R15 = Delay 
SetupOsc1   dec.w   R15                     ; Additional delay to ensure start 
            jnz     SetupOsc1               ;
            bit.b   #OFIFG,&IFG1            ; OSC fault flag set? 
            jnz     SetupOsc                ; OSC Fault, clear flag again 
            bis.b   #SELM1+SELM0,&BCSCTL2   ; MCLK = LFXT1
SetupTA     mov.w   #TASSEL0+MC1,&TACTL     ; ACLK, continous mode
SetupC0     mov.w   #OUT,&CCTL0             ; TXD Idle as Mark 
SetupP1_2   bis.b   #TXD,&P1SEL             ; P1.1/TA0 for TXD function
            bis.b   #TXD,&P1DIR             ; TXD output on P1
            bis.b   #RXD,&P2SEL             ; P2.2/TA0 as RXD input
            eint                            ; General Enable Interrupts
Mainloop    call    #RX_Ready               ; UART ready to RX one Byte
            bis.w   #LPM0,SR                ; Enter LPM0 Until Byte RXed
            call    #TX_Byte                ; TX Back RXed Byte Received
            jmp     Mainloop                ;
TX_Byte   ; Subroutine Transmits Character from RXTXData Buffer
            mov.w   &TAR,&CCR0              ; Current state of TA counter
            add.w   #Bitime,&CCR0           ; Some time till first bit
            bis.w   #0100h, RXTXData        ; Add mark stop bit to RXTXData 
            rla.w   RXTXData                ; Add space start bit
            mov.w   #10,BitCnt              ; Load Bit counter, 8data + ST/SP
            mov.w   #OUTMOD0+CCIE,&CCTL0    ; TXD = mark = idle 
TX_Wait     bit.w   #CCIE,&CCTL0            ; Wait for TX completion
            jnz     TX_Wait                 ; 
            ret                             ;
RX_Ready  ; Subroutine Readies UART to Receive Character into RXTXData Buffer
            mov.w   #08,BitCnt              ; Load Bit Counter, 8 data bits
SetupRX     mov.w   #SCS+CCIS0+OUTMOD0+CM1+CAP+CCIE,&CCTL0  ; Neg Edge, cap.          
            ret                             ;
TA0_ISR  ;  RXTXData Buffer holds UART Data
            add.w   #Bitime,&CCR0           ; Time to next bit
            bit.w   #CCIS0,&CCTL0           ; RX on CCI0B?
            jnz     UART_RX                 ; Jump --> RX
UART_TX     cmp.w   #00h,BitCnt             ;
            jne     TX_Next                 ; Next bit?
            bic.w   #CCIE,&CCTL0            ; All Bits TX or RX, Disable Int.
            reti                            ;
TX_Next     bic.w   #OUTMOD2,&CCTL0         ; TX Mark 
            rra.w   RXTXData                ; LSB is shifted to carry
            jc      TX_Test                 ; Jump --> bit = 1
TX_Space    bis.w   #OUTMOD2,&CCTL0         ; TX Space 
TX_Test     dec.w   BitCnt                  ; All bits sent (or received)?
            reti                            ;
UART_RX     bit.w   #CAP,&CCTL0             ; Capture mode = start bit edge
            jz      RX_Bit                  ; Start bit edge?
RX_Edge     bic.w   #CAP,&CCTL0             ; Switch to compare mode
            add.w   #Bitime_5,&CCR0         ; First databit 1.5 bits from edge
            reti                            ;
RX_Bit      bit.w   #SCCI,&CCTL0            ; Get bit waiting in receive latch
            rrc.b   RXTXData                ; Store received bit
RX_Test     dec.w   BitCnt                  ; All bits RXed?
            jnz     RX_Next                 ; Next bit?
;>>>>>>>>>> Decode of Received Byte Here <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
RX_Comp     bic.w   #CCIE,&CCTL0            ; All bits RXed, disable interrupt 
            mov.w   #GIE,0(SP)              ; Decode byte = active in Mainloop
RX_Next     reti                            ;
;           Interrupt Vectors Used MSP430x11x1          
            ORG     0FFFEh                  ; MSP430 RESET Vector
            DW      RESET                   ; 
            ORG     0FFF2h                  ; Timer_A0 Vector
            DW      TA0_ISR                 ; 


sorry, but isn’t this an echo program?

Yes, what is wrong with that?


i would to realize a software that allow me to send packets received to a pc; then i thing echo program isn’t good…

You’ll have to modify it, of course.
