Hi, getting started with programming wake on shake.


I am a total beginner when it comes to trying to design/program electronics. I have tried to read the serial coms and other write ups, but cant seem to get where I want go go with the wake on shake board.

Design intent:

Use the wake on shake to provide 3.3v while the device is picked up and sensing motion from the end user, than shutting down when taken off and set down after about 10 minutes.

I have the FTDI usb serial comport, and the wake on shake dev board.

My main issue seems to be finding the correct applications so I can read/write to the eeprom.

I hate coming to a forum and asking seemingly basic questions, I like to try and figure this stuff out on my own but its been months of on/off searching between homework for school and work. I just don’t know enough to ask the correct questions to google, and have kinda hit a wall and don’t know where to start again.

Thank folks, and if this is just too basic ill see myself out :lol:


No worries, every project is important to those learning it. In any case, have you viewed the [Hookup Guide?](Wake-on-Shake Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn)

Yes, I am diverging form using that as a direct guide, as I am planning on using the wake on shake as a stand alone dev board as a single block in a higher level project without the use of an arduino.

for testing this sub section I am using:

3.3v supply

FTDI basic

wake on shake

a bread board and a simple led/resistor .

my points of confustion come up when attempting to connect and load [Command sets with the listed equipment.

I have tried using arduino IDE, tera term, and a few others.

I have also looked up and read the data sheets for the accel, and the main IC on the board, but it either didn’t contain the information I needed or it was right under my nose and I didn’t recognize it.

And thanks for the welcoming response, I know some forums can be a little less than welcoming for newcomers.](https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/wake-on-shake-hookup-guide?_ga=2.123925193.237545004.1585712887-1740807082.1565833919&_gac=1.213192224.1585834690.EAIaIQobChMI2pDgxu7J6AIVGG6GCh3zgwftEAAYASAAEgKKHvD_BwE#command-set)

Are receiving no actions or responses from sending those commands?

I will see a blink on the TX when I attempt to send a command but no RX. Than when testing for a change nothing seemed to take.

… Okay I just directly plugged the FTDI into the wake on shake board… looks like theres an error in the silk screen on the wake on shake. txo and rxi are flipped. so when I was using a patch harness those two were in the wrong spots.

Wait… Never mind, I’m an idiot… My mind has been sucked into the world of connecting everything 1 too 1. Instead of TX to RX and vise versa… Eh all in the sake of learning I guess.

It’s alright, it takes a while to shake out the cobwebs (pun very much intended)

Very true, so now driving into the meat and potatoes of the problem. I am attempting to send a command via the com port, and it is pretty much driving the board too and “on” state and reading back the activation threshold for the accel and time on limit.

I tired to send commands for changing it but it doesn’t take. Maybe im doing that wrong? But hey, progress!

I am trying to find an alternative to the wake on shake board since Sparkfun no longer make sit. Is there anything else that spark fun has that is similar?