HM-13 Bluetooth Module AT Commands

I was hoping to get some advice on how to operate the SparkX HM-13 Bluetooth Module ( I’m trying to control it using AT commands via the serial monitor in Arduino Studio and over Bluetooth via a terminal app, but I can’t get a response. Moreover, when I try to configure the module with the library you provided, I get errors when I try to use the commands I need. I am able to use some functions like bt.edrAddress(), but not others.

For example, when I try to use “bt.setEdrMode()”, Arduino studio complains, "no matching function for call to ‘HM1X_BT::setEdrMode()’ "

Hi hnbarakat.

The code we provide probably isn’t going to work in Arduino Studio and we recommend using the Arduino IDE instead.

For AT commands, check the [data sheet listed on the product page.](

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the response! I misspoke, we are using the Arduino IDE. I am familiar with the AT command structure, but we aren’t seeing any responses. After a ton of messing around, I figured out that the HM-13 is receiving and acting on many of the AT commands, but we can’t see any responses in the serial monitor or in the bluetooth terminal. Seems similar to the issue that Member #668766 brought up in the comment section of the product page, but their fix isn’t working for me.

With Regards,


Hi Hasan.

I don’t have one of these to play with to see what’s going on, but it’s possible you might have your RX connection wrong or possibly you’ve somehow turned off responses from the module. Have you tried sending the AT commands for factory resetting the HM-13? From the data sheet, it looks like AT+RESET would do that.

Hi Chris,

I believe I have everything wired correctly. I’ll try resetting the module. Do you have any idea regarding the library function issues?


I’m afraid I don’t Hasan. This is really just an experimental product we carry and we don’t really offer any support on it.

Do any of the modules you support have Master-Slave connectivity like the HM-13?

If by master-slave you mean that two of the same module can connect to one another, yes.

Our Bluetooth Mate Silver is able to do that.

Perfect! Thanks for the help!