Hmc 5883 compass address.


I am trying to change a code from HMC6343 to hmc5883. I need the compass address for the following code

//Instruct compass to read echoes
  Wire.beginTransmission(compassAddress);  // transmit to device
  // the address specified in the datasheet is 66 (0x42)
  // but i2c adressing uses the high 7 bits so it's 33
  Wire.write(0x50);                       // Send a "Post Heading Data" (0x50) command to the HMC6343 
  Wire.endTransmission();                 // stop transmitting

  //Wait for readings
  delay(2);                               // datasheet suggests at least 1 ms

  //Request heading reading from compass
  Wire.requestFrom(compassAddress, 2);    // request 2 bytes from slave device #33

What does the data sheet for the HMC5883 say to use?

I cant understand it that’s why I asked for help.

the address specified in the datasheet is 66 (0x42)

The I2C in data sheets can be confusing.

0x42 = 0100 0010b but if this is the 7 bit address then it is 100 0010b and then shifted left to the 8 bit address + R/W register it is 1000 0100x = 0x84.

Then don’t forget the lsb is the r/w bit so clear/set as needed.

Some data sheets get this address already shifted to the high order 7 bits.

I that case its 0x42 and the lsb is the R/W bit.

First try the 0x84 and if doesn’t work then try non-shifted.

You can also use the I2C address finder.

You can also use the I2C address finder.

Thanks works great. The address is 0x1E


the address specified in the datasheet is 66 (0x42)

The I2C in data sheets can be confusing.

0x42 = 0100 0010b but if this is the 7 bit address then it is 100 0010b and then shifted left to the 8 bit address + R/W register it is 1000 0100x = 0x84.

Then don’t forget the lsb is the r/w bit so clear/set as needed.

Some data sheets get this address already shifted to the high order 7 bits.

I that case its 0x42 and the lsb is the R/W bit.

First try the 0x84 and if doesn’t work then try non-shifted.

Please note this code is for HMC6343 so is the data sheet referred to.


I have changed the address codes but I guess this needs changing too

Wire.write(0x50);                       // Send a "Post Heading Data" (0x50) command to the HMC6343

Any ideas please.

Since you determined the I2C base address is 0x1E then you change this to do a write command to the base address.

Ok on that being the other chip. I saw this address in the comments of the code You posted.

The info still applies but for a different address as in the data sheet.