Hook up multiple hx711 amplifiers to 16 channel multiplexer

im using 12-16 single point load sensors each going to an hx711. I may be to use two sensors for each hx711 but not sure. But my primary question is that Im wondering which multiplexer breakout board would be best, ultimately to go to a raspberry pi gpio. SparkFun Analog/Digital MUX Breakout - CD74HC4067 or SparkFun 16 Output I/O Expander Breakout - SX1509. The hx711 has two output wires so it seems like the latter but im not sure ? any advice would be appreciated. Thanks

I’d probably go with the latter as well, but they are cheap enough that I’d order both and see which I prefer in-action

After more research I went with the Qwiic scale (16) Qwiic mux breakout (2) and redboard plus. I should beable to handle everything with that. but hopefully i can condence it down in the future.

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