How DIN and DOUT are different than IN and OUT pins on the XBee explorer regulated board?

I used a multimeter to measure continuity between the pins of the XBee XSC S3B module itself, the side “IN” and “OUT” pins, and the end “DIN” and “DOUT” pins and got no continuity, though any combinations of them work fine for communication. So I want to know how they are different and which ones are ones I should use.

Thank you.

DIN and DOUT work at 5 volts, while IN and OUT work at 3.3 volts.

If you check the [schematic, you will see a MOSFET between the boards pins and the XBee. That’s there to adjust what voltage the XBee sees to protect it from too much voltage. That prevents you from seeing continuity with your meter but still allows the device to function.](