How do I choose the right power supply for Olimex LPC2148?

I just received my LPC2148 by Olimex from Spark Fun.

What power supply can I get at Radio Shack (or elsewhere) that is compatible with this for operation in the US?

6VAC or 9VDC as written on the PCB near the power jack

make sure you use regulated power supply, not these cheap transformers only which do have 9VDC written but actually without load give 10-15VDC as this will destroy LM1117 voltage regulator


I picked up a 9VDC/800mA PS from Radio Shack (Part #273-1770). I’ve had good luck with their 15VDC/1000mA for my STK 500 board. I went with an Adaptaplug connector with a 5.5mm OD and 2.1mm ID (Part # 273-1716)

I powered the board up tonight for the first time, and nothing smoked 8)

if you decided to exceed the specs, it’s up to you

just don’t count on replacement when you smoke the board :slight_smile:
