I’m new to the STM32, I have the Olimex JTAG, olimex STM32F103, downloaded OpenOCD for windows, and I was able to build and upload the simple LED blinking project. I have been copying this project and editing it in order to create new projects.
My questions are:
1 - What are the exact steps to create new project from scratch in Eclipse (OpendOCD package) instead of copying the LED project and be able to successfully build and upload the firmware to the STM32?
2 - Do I need to generate the makefile? how?
Help very much appreciated 
I am using Stm32F107vctb board which is a ARM cortex M3 processor. Could you give me the code for the blinky program. I want to run the blinky program in my board. What things do I need. I have eclipse installed. Zylin as CDT installed. Openocd gdb installed. Do I need the startup code or what other things do I need.
Check this site: http://www.olimex.com/dev/
Also these are the steps that I use now to create a project on Eclipse with OpenOCD:
Goto: Run → Debug configurations:
- Zylin Embedded Debug (Cygwin) → new → “Debugger tab”
GDB Debugger = D:\OlimexODS\yagarto\bin\arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe
Goto: “Commands tab” → "Run commands:
target remote localhost:3333
monitor soft_reset_halt
monitor sleep 500
monitor flash erase_sector 0 0 31
monitor flash write_image main.bin 0x08000000
monitor reset
monitor sleep 1000
monitor soft_reset_halt
thbreak main
Goto: “Common” tab
Check “Debug”