Yes, the documentation on the Spark Fun site on how to use OpenLog sucks. To talk to the OpenLog, you have to have another computer running a terminal program, or a microprocessor with a TTL level serial RS232 output port.
If you use a PC, Mac, or Linux, the terminal program has to be connected to the correct COM port. Furthermore, you need a serial adapter connected to the computer so that the RS232 output signals are at the right voltage levels (0 and 5V or 0 and 3.3V) to connect to the OpenLog. FTDI and other companies make USB serial adapters that “look like” a serial COM port to the computer.
It sounds like you already have an FTDI USB serial adapter and know how to use this with Arduino environment. However, to use the adapter with a terminal program, you need to configure the terminal program properly to use it.
If you are using Windows, plug in the serial adapter and find out what it is called (e.g. COM19) by opening My Computer > Properties > Hardware > Device Manager > Ports (COM & LPT). Then start Hyperterm, set Hyperterm to open COM19 and set the baud rate to 9600, 8 bits, no parity, no flow control.
If you have RX on the serial adapter connected to TX on the OpenLog, etc. then OpenLog will be able to talk to the PC.
However, as purchased, OpenLog defaults to “data logging mode” upon startup and does not echo characters to the terminal until you close the log file. Type ^Z (ctrl-Z) on the PC keyboard to stop data logging.
Then you should see a prompt “>” Type the character ? for help or type commands such as “ls ” to list the files on the microSD card.
If you have reprogrammed OpenLog using the Arduino software, you will have to reprogram OpenLog again with the logging software. This is contained in the file main.hex, which you can download from GitHub. Follow the instructions on the GitHub site, or search this forum for recently posted examples on how to do that. You will need to use the program avrdude to reprogram the OpenLog, and it will have to be configured to the correct COM port and baud rate (57600) to work.
Good luck, Jim