How to find SMD Logic MOSFETs


I’m currently teaching myself eagle for a project where I dont have space to use through hole components.

The curcuit is an arduino mini Pro 5V, 1 low power mosfet, and 2 higher power mosfets, which ajust brightness on bulbs., all run off 2x 3.6V lithium cells in series .

I have the circuit working all fine on a breadboard, using 1x 2N7000 N Channel Logic MOSFET, and 2x STP36NF06 N Channel Logic MOSFETs. The 2N7000 comes in both a T092 & SOT23 package, so this was easy to find (and helpfully in the sparkfun eagle libary), but i need a larger (2A+) version to replace the STP36NF06.

Searching for “Logic MOSFET” doesnt turn up much on RS Components, and I cant tell from the datasheets if the other MOSFETs in the Eagle libary are 5V switchable or not.

So my question is, what am I looking for on the datasheet to know whether it is a Logic Version?

I read I want ones that show Current dissipation at 5V, or have an L in the part number, but this seems hit and miss as the N7000 doesnt have any of this. Can anyone give me any pointers on what to look for, or suggest some suitable part numbers please?
