How to properly hookup the M6E NANO buzzer.

According to the documentation, a buzzer is connected to pins 9 and 10 and can be PWM controlled to produce a tone. This is great but how are you supposed to connect the buzzer?

  1. Is the buzzer polarized, if yes, which pin is positive and which is negative?

  2. What is the max / min voltage that the buzzer can handle?

  3. I have no clue how to read schematics, but from the looks of it, it appears that the buzzer is not internally connected to anything on the board (is completely isolated). It’s just sitting on the board and exposing it’s two connecting leads through pin 9 and 10, so I can run 100 volts on pin 9 and 10 and I will fry the buzzer but nothing else will be damaged. Is that the case?

Thank you.

Look at example2_read_epc. Here the buzzer is connected and triggered.

Wait, you want me to read the documentation? :smiley:

But in all seriousness, I know little about the Arduino (I just ordered one of those RedBoards to play with), so not everyone is going to follow the Arduino tutorials (I didn’t). So I think it would be nice if SparkFun just added a little blurb on how to connect the buzzer, max / min voltage etc (or add a link to the buzzer technical data).

In the same token, it would be nice if SparFun also added a blurb on why the serial / hardware serial switch is necessary, your one-liner response on my previous post answered the question nicely, so why not include something like that on the hookup guide?

Anyway, just my 2 cents.

Thanks for the response, I was able to get the buzzer working.