Hi, I just started to program 3 bluetooth modules BR-SC30A and I can’t figure out with which command I can change the CoD (Class of Device) from class 1 (100m range), which is the default, to class 2 (10m range). What I only found in Blueradios_AT_Commands_Rev_2. which I’m using (my modules’ rev. is is the following which I don’t really understand
What I only could think about it is changing the max Tx power (through the command ATSPF,4,+) in order to set it working on 4 dBm (which is the max for Class2), but does this actually lower the power consumption to the levels of a Class2 device?2.1.5 (COD) Class of Device
SC ,
Change Class of Device (COD) requires exactly 8, 16-bit hex values (0 thru
F) based on the Bluetooth COD specification names published and maintained
by the Bluetooth SIG. Factory default is 00000000 – undefined since this
is set by the user based on the final OEM device installed in.
TYPE : ATSC,00020114
REPLY: <cr_lf>OK<cr_lf>
Note: Requires a software or hardware reset for change to take affect
I hope I explained well enough what I’m asking, any questions are welcome.
Thank you in advance,