How to use the qwiic system with a RED-V board using assembly language?

The red-v board uses a sifive fe310 cpu.

The cpu lists in its memory map that it has an i2 controller located at $10016000.

Does programming this controller also program the qwiic connector?

The red-v board schematic shows a section labeled “Headers”.

In this section JP2 shows that the blue LED is located at 5 and the LED can be addressed as GPIO pin 5.

JP2 also shows sda/1 and scl/1. Are these pins used for the i2 qwiic connector? Do we use GPIO pins 1 - 4 to program /power up the qwiic connector?

Thanks for any help

This is a super technical question specific to the SiFive RISC-V architecture. Specifically, you’re just trying to figure out how programming the I2C bus works (I’m assuming). I think you’d get a better response from the RISC-V community themselves :wink: no offense to SFE. Please check this out [] and if you get more answers then please share here for the SFE community as well