How to use two SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Readers (M6E Nano) on one arduino due

I would like to know how to use two SparkFun Simultaneous RFID Readers (M6E Nano) on one arduino due.

I’m attempting to using Serial1 and Serial2 on arduino due to connect RFID Readers.

But I cannot understand how to write a program.

I have attempted to make two instance (RFID nano; amd RFID nano2) on the program.

But, it doesn’t work well…

By the way, I’m using a stabilized direct current power source device to supply power into M6E Nano module.

never tried that… but knowing the code it believe it should work. What you say " But, it doesn’t work well…", what is not working and can you share de sketch that you had developed.