HX711 Load Cell Amplifier and LabVIEW


I am hoping to read a load cell with an HX711 Amplifier using LabVIEW and a myRIO 1900.

I have attached the clock/signal outputs of the amplifier to the GPIO pins of the myRIO, and I am using a Digital Read block in LabVIEW, but I cannot seem to get a readable signal. Could you please tell me how I can read the digital signal using LabVIEW?

I would like to avoid using an Arduino. Thanks in advance!

I’m not familiar with the non-sparkfun stuff, but you might need to experiment with different baud rates or similar to get them talking

Also run through our hookup guide https://learn.sparkfun.com/tutorials/lo … okup-guide to become familiar with the load cell amp and its use