I cant get the sparkfun relay PCB to work with Arduino.

Hi, first time trying to use relays.

Got this PCB: http://www.sparkfun.com/products/9096

All components are as the PCB tells me.

When I connect the board to my arduino uno I can only see a very dim blink on the diod and no click sound from the relay.

Code: digitalWrite(7, HIGH); //connected to CTRL pin

Connected GND to arduino GND

and 5V to 5V

If I connect the CTRL pin to 5V the relay works

Is the current to low from the arduino pin7 to controll the relay board?!?!

I power the Arduino from USB and I tried external 5V aswell (1A)

What should I try or fix, iam stuck.

The problem was I missed to define the PIN as output.

Under setup()


Now works like a charm.