I want some opinions on this PCB

This is not my design and i didnt do it. I know the Trace on the bottom left is blow but i just want your profesional opinions on how the board is laid out etc.

Ill post some more details after people make some comments

http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1286/468 … 6f34_b.jpg

It’s a very untidy layout - all those funny angles.

The strange bent and drooping traces make me think this is how Salvador Dali would have painted his impression of a pc-board layout.

I’m not sure what opinions you’re looking for, other than it looks weird. Re-doing it using a modern layout program and generating a two-sided board would probably clean it up considerably. That large ground (or power?) trace could be made into a plane that covered most of one side – right now it’s of rather inconsistent width making me wonder what the point of it was. Some of the traces get pretty long snaking their way around the perimeter of the board. There are 90 degree corners in some traces and T-junctions, and that is supposedly bad for the etching process. Other than the blown trace, I don’t see anything that looks like a deal-breaker (hey, if it works, it works), but I doubt this would be anyone’s preferred choice in layout.

This is a production SCR board out of a welder for a major US manufacturer.

When i saw this i was like :shock:

Looks like a home brew board.

This is a production SCR board out of a welder for a major US manufacturer.

When i saw this i was like :shock:

Looks like a home brew board.

Not home brew, just old. This looks like it comes from the days when traces were hand drawn.

Definitely artwork done back when they laid out PCBs with narrow tape on transparency with a light table. The hand-drawn PCBs have more of a smooth, flowing look but each style has its own charm. A company that builds welders is going to be firmly in the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” camp, easy to do when a design is made of simple components that probably will never go obsolete.