IAR Kickstart to mspgcc

Without much luck I’m trying to convert the IAR Kickstart demo code to msp430 for the MSP430_169 for my Sparkfun DEV-00772 dev board. Is this the correct conversion →

IAR Kickstart code: P5OUT_bit.P5OUT_4 = 1;

My msp430 code: P5OUT |= BIT4;

BIT4 is defined as,

#define BIT4 0x0010

P5OUT is defined as,

#define P5OUT_ 0x0031 /* Port 5 Output */

sfrb(P5OUT, P5OUT_);

and here’s example that clears the hardware port →

IAR Kickstart code: P3SEL_bit.P3SEL_0 = 0; // STEO0

My msp430 code: P3SEL &= ~BIT0; // STEO0



All of the demo code is now working. The good old oscilloscope found the problem. The LCD reset bit was not working, so after the hardware is wired correctly I then went into the source code to find that I was setting P3.5 instead of P5.5.

Anyhow, nice little demo program. I displays a menu controlled by the joystick to test the LCD graphics, the SSD card, and the ext ports. Looks like it’s all working except it’s taking a long time to test the SSD card. First it told me to put the SSD card in. Then it told me the write protect switch was on, so I switched it up to enable writing. After about a minute I removed the SSD card and it said failed. So I put it back in and had it retest it again, but after about 10 minutes now it’s still testing. It’s a 1GB SSD card. Any idea how low it takes to test it?

