Ok so this is what I have tried so far
These are my register definitions
/////////////////ALL THE IMPORTANT REGISTERS//////////////////////
static const uint8_t ICM20946_ADDR_W = 0xD2;
static const uint8_t ICM20946_ADDR_R = 0xD3;
static const uint8_t USRBANK_SEL_REG = 0x7F;
static const uint8_t USRBANK_REG_VAL[4] = {0x00, 0x10, 0x20, 0x30};
////////////////IMPORTANT USER BANK 0 REGISTERS///////////////////
static const uint8_t UB0_WHOAMI_REG = 0x00;
static const uint8_t UB0_USER_CTRL = 0x03;
static const uint8_t UB0_LP_CONFIG = 0x05;
static const uint8_t UB0_PWR_MGMT_1 = 0x06;
static const uint8_t UB0_PWR_MGMT_2 = 0x07;
static const uint8_t UB0_INT_PIN_CFG = 0x0F;
static const uint8_t UB0_I2C_MST_STATUS = 0x17;
static const uint8_t UB0_INT_STATUS_1 = 0x1A;
static const uint8_t UB0_ACCEL_XOUT_H = 0x2D;
static const uint8_t UB0_EXT_SLV_SENS_DATA_00 = 0x3B;
////////////////IMPORTANT USER BANK 0 REGISTERS///////////////////
////////////////IMPORTANT USER BANK 2 REGISTERS///////////////////
static const uint8_t UB2_GYRO_SMPLRT_DIV = 0x00;
static const uint8_t UB2_GYRO_CONFIG_1 = 0x01;
static const uint8_t UB2_ACCEL_SMPLRT_DIV_1 = 0x10;
static const uint8_t UB2_ACCEL_SMPLRT_DIV_2 = 0x11;
static const uint8_t UB2_ACCEL_CONFIG = 0x14;
////////////////IMPORTANT USER BANK 2 REGISTERS///////////////////
////////////////IMPORTANT USER BANK 3 REGISTERS///////////////////
static const uint8_t UB3_I2C_MST_CTRL = 0x01;
static const uint8_t UB3_I2C_SLV0_ADDR = 0x03;
static const uint8_t UB3_I2C_SLV0_REG = 0x04;
static const uint8_t UB3_I2C_SLV0_CTRL = 0x05;
static const uint8_t UB3_I2C_SLV0_DO = 0x06;
static const uint8_t UB3_I2C_SLV4_ADDR = 0x13;
static const uint8_t UB3_I2C_SLV4_REG = 0x14;
static const uint8_t UB3_I2C_SLV4_CTRL = 0x15;
static const uint8_t UB3_I2C_SLV4_DO = 0x16;
static const uint8_t UB3_I2C_SLV4_DI = 0x17;
////////////////IMPORTANT USER BANK 3 REGISTERS///////////////////
/////////////////MAGNETOMETER REGISTERS///////////////////////////
static const uint8_t AK09916_ADDR = 0x0C;
static const uint8_t AK09916_WIA1 = 0x00;
static const uint8_t AK09916_WIA2 = 0x01;
static const uint8_t AK09916_ST1 = 0x10;
static const uint8_t AK09916_CNTL2 = 0x31;
static const uint8_t AK09916_CNTL3 = 0x32;
static const uint8_t AK09916_READ_MASK = 0x01;
static const uint8_t AK09916_WRITE_MASK = 0x00;
static const uint8_t I2CMASTER_READ_MASK = 0x80;
static const uint8_t I2CMASTER_WRITE_MASK = 0x00;
/////////////////MAGNETOMETER REGISTERS///////////////////////////
These are my mag config and mag read start function
bool Icm20948ConfigMag(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c){
HAL_StatusTypeDef ret_;
bool success = true;
uint8_t tmp;
// Disable I2C Master Passthrough
success &= Ic20948DisableI2cMstPassThrough(hi2c);
//Enable I2C Master
success &= Ic20948EnableI2cMst(hi2c);
//Reset I2C Master
// success &= Ic20948ResetI2cMst(hi2c);
// Configure I2C Master
tmp = 0x17;
Icm20948ChangeRegBank(hi2c, 3);
ret_ = Icm20948Write(hi2c, ICM20946_ADDR_W, UB3_I2C_MST_CTRL, (uint8_t *)&tmp, 1, icm_i2c_wait_time_ms_);
success &= (ret_ == HAL_OK);
//Reset Mag
tmp = 0x01;
success &= Icm20948Slv4ReadWriteByte(hi2c, AK09916_CNTL3, false, (uint8_t *)&tmp);
// Verify MAG ID
success &= Icm20948Slv4ReadWriteByte(hi2c, AK09916_WIA2, true, (uint8_t *)&tmp);
if(tmp != 0x09){
return false;
// Setup mag to read continuously at 100Hz
tmp = 0x08;
success &= Icm20948Slv4ReadWriteByte(hi2c, AK09916_CNTL2, false, (uint8_t *)&tmp);
return success;
bool Icm20948StartSlv0MagRead(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c){
uint8_t tmp;
HAL_StatusTypeDef ret_;
bool success = true;
//Configure SLV0 to read data from mag
Icm20948ChangeRegBank(hi2c, 3);
ret_ = Icm20948Write(hi2c, ICM20946_ADDR_W, UB3_I2C_SLV0_ADDR, (uint8_t *)&tmp, 1, icm_i2c_wait_time_ms_);
success &= (ret_ == HAL_OK);
tmp = AK09916_ST1;
ret_ = Icm20948Write(hi2c, ICM20946_ADDR_W, UB3_I2C_SLV0_REG, (uint8_t *)&tmp, 1, icm_i2c_wait_time_ms_);
success &= (ret_ == HAL_OK);
// Start the txn
tmp = 0x89;
ret_ = Icm20948Write(hi2c, ICM20946_ADDR_W, UB3_I2C_SLV0_CTRL, (uint8_t *)&tmp, 1, icm_i2c_wait_time_ms_);
success &= (ret_ == HAL_OK);
return success;
bool Icm20948Slv4ReadWriteByte(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c, uint8_t reg, bool read, uint8_t *pData){
uint8_t tmp;
bool success = true;
HAL_StatusTypeDef ret_;
// Write mag address to SLV4_ADDR
Icm20948ChangeRegBank(hi2c, 3);
ret_ = Icm20948Write(hi2c, ICM20946_ADDR_W, UB3_I2C_SLV4_ADDR, (uint8_t *)&tmp, 1, icm_i2c_wait_time_ms_);
success &= (ret_ == HAL_OK);
// Write mag register to write to and the data to write;
ret_ = Icm20948Write(hi2c, ICM20946_ADDR_W, UB3_I2C_SLV4_REG, (uint8_t *)®, 1, icm_i2c_wait_time_ms_);
success &= (ret_ == HAL_OK);
ret_ = Icm20948Write(hi2c, ICM20946_ADDR_W, UB3_I2C_SLV4_DO, pData, 1, icm_i2c_wait_time_ms_);
success &= (ret_ == HAL_OK);
// Start the txn
tmp = 0x80;
ret_ = Icm20948Write(hi2c, ICM20946_ADDR_W, UB3_I2C_SLV4_CTRL, (uint8_t *)&tmp, 1, icm_i2c_wait_time_ms_);
success &= (ret_ == HAL_OK);
Icm20948ChangeRegBank(hi2c, 0);
ret_ = Icm20948Read(hi2c, ICM20946_ADDR_R, UB0_I2C_MST_STATUS, (uint8_t *)&tmp, 1, icm_i2c_wait_time_ms_);
success &= (ret_ == HAL_OK);
//Make sure the txn was complete
if(tmp != 0x40){
return false;
Icm20948ChangeRegBank(hi2c, 3);
ret_ = Icm20948Read(hi2c, ICM20946_ADDR_R, UB3_I2C_SLV4_DI, pData, 1, icm_i2c_wait_time_ms_);
success &= (ret_ == HAL_OK);
return success;
bool Icm20948Init(I2C_HandleTypeDef *hi2c){
bool success = true;
success = success & Icm20948SwReset(hi2c);
success = success & Icm20948ConfigAccels(hi2c);
success = success & Icm20948ConfigGyros(hi2c);
success = success & Icm20948ConfigMag(hi2c);
success = success & Icm20948StartSlv0MagRead(hi2c);
success = success & Icm20948SetSampleMode(hi2c);
return true;
return false;
return false;
Now I am able to read the Mag ID but when I start reading the mag value is stuck at the start value and every start has different value. I feel like the I2C Master read is not running continuously. Any insights?