ID-20LA providing output of "0"?

I’m using the ID-20LA to read various 125KHz tags, and for the most part, it works brilliantly. I’m running into an intermittent issue where the reader will consistently spit out the character “0” (in ASCII mode), without any input from a tag. As far as I know, the reader should not produce any ASCII output unless a tag is read.

Easy enough to filter out spurious 0s, but the reader also doesn’t read any tags while it’s printing 0s, which leads me to think it’s a malfunction / error code of some sort. Anyone else run into this / have a workaround?

Pulling the hardware reset or physically reseating the component doesn’t resolve the issue. My project is using 200 of these readers, each in their own device, and I’m seeing this across maybe 10 / 200 units.

Are you using our units? How are they wired up? What’s the power source?