Im19 imu

So where can we buy a im-19 imu module? They seem to be impossible to get anywhere. Do sparkfun have a board with them on (apart from the gps torch). We need a tilt compensation stmystem that is easy to implement.

Any 3D accelerometer can be used to measure static (or quasi-static) tilt angles from vertical, as described here, among other places: How_to_Use_a_Three-Axis_Accelerometer_for_Tilt_Sensing-DFRobot

Thanks for that. I asked because there must have been a reason why sparkfun used it in the Torch. The im19 is very big compared to the rest of the 9 axis imu chips, It’s massive.
I just want to get hold of a couple to see if they are a good option.
I had someone else comment that the in19 is easy to intergrate as a “turnkey operation”. For all its hype, they are invisible when it comes ro getting my hands on one.

There are a LOT of factors that go into component selection, I doubt size was a major consideration on this…it’s still TINY compared to the other stuff in there

You could always just grab a few torch units and scavenge the sensors :slight_smile:

Or just use them as the easy-to-use tilt compensation mechanisms that they are

Thanks for your reply.
The torch is about 95% of the product we are trying to develop. I did say to my team that we should buy a Torch as it could speed things up. The items lacking for us was an SD data storage system for the 3000 waypoints it would be recording daily. Trials have also shown that we need 1000hz vertical accelerometer resolution to augment 100hz sensor fusion in a 9axis imu. So it is close but not quite there for us. The amount of gear we have bought from Sparkfun passed the cost of a Torch some time ago, but as it is a complete item we were not sure if there were any pinouts etc that other components could be connected to. We are a New Zealand entity and our SBAS system (shared with Australia) is very new and uses L1L2 and L5, so we have tried all manner of GNSS brands, some still in Beta. PPK is still our primary though, and with that accuracy we needed tilt compensation. The IM19 seemed to be the best one but when it comes to actually getting one they are invisible.
I don’t really want to take to a Torch with an even bigger torch to remove the IMU, there must be a better way.