IN100 NanoBeacon Board - power drain

Something about this board that bothers me.

Cool that the IN100 hardly draws any power, but together with a sensor (an SHT31 in my case), the suggested battery (CR1225) is done in little over a day. So quite useless.

I now am looking in to replacing the battery with an Li-Po.

Looking at both the IN100 and SHT31 datasheet, power consumption would be:

IN100 → 13.8mA @ 2.4GHz TX mode - 1Mbps, Pout=+5dBm (max).

SHT31 → 0.6mA @ High Repeatability single shot measurement.

I’m having the NanoBoard advertise once every 10 seconds and power consumption between measurements and advertisement is negligible.

Not being a tech wizzard I wonder what kind of lifespan can I expect the board and sensor to run on a 500mAh Li-Po?

So, 13.8mA for the IN100 every 10 seconds = rough average of 1.38mA draw

1.38 + 0.6 = 1.98

500 mAh / 1.98 = 252 hours or so (this is in-line with other values… CR1225 = 50mAh, so we’d expect a 500mAh LiPo to last about 10x as long)


You mean 50mAh / 1.98 = 25 hours on a CR1225 :wink:

That’s hardly the 2 years mentioned in the NanoBoard’s sales pitch. I get it that I should’ve done the math myself, but what’s the use of running this thing on a battery if the lifespan is so low. Running only the IN100 isn’t something a lot of people will do. So a connector for either a micro USB or external battery is something that should be included on the board (made one myself, but that’s besides the point)