Increase output of ATTINY 85

I am using an attiny 85 to simply as a timer to turn off a UV-C LED light. The driver i am using requires a minimum of 3V to drive the LED but the ATtiny maxes out at 2.7V in pin output running a very simple code. Is there a way increase the output voltage of the ATTINY85?

HI ramezan.

You’re probably going to need to use a transistor to switch your LED power supply on and off. This is likely overkill for your application but our [MOSFET Power Control Kit would probably work.](SparkFun MOSFET Power Control Kit - COM-12959 - SparkFun Electronics)

So what youre saying is use the Mosfet between a high enough voltage source and the LEDS while using the ATTINY to trigger the switch on and off?

Would a - N-Channel MOSFET 60V 30A - work with a 2.4V signal coming out from the ATTINY85 pin out?

by ramezan » Sat Jul 20, 2019 5:55 pm

Would a - N-Channel MOSFET 60V 30A - work with a 2.4V signal coming out from the ATTINY85 pin out?

I haven’t tested it, but that might just work. Worst case, you need a transistor before the MOSFET to boost the voltage enough to fully turn on the MOSFET.

Thanks so much for your help!