Infrared Measurements for blood

Hello, I have been reading many papers that are doing some biometric measurements, for example, blood glucose levels, or other blood substances. As I see most of those measurements are based on the reflectance of an IR led. Similar to what the AS7265x series does. My question is, is there any sensor or can a sensor like AS72653 (as I understand it’s part of AS7265x spectroscopy) to get measurements on a higher wavelength? I mean some substances, are measured at 1100nm-1200nm or 1550nm. And what is the difference between the IR receiver materials? does it matter?

That is a very complex question and out of the scope for our technical support staff. However, this is a great question for the community.

I would start by reading scientific research papers like this one ( … ose_sensor) to get better started.

I have read that paper, and that’s one of the reasons I got curious. For example, any IR Led can be used but I have to choose the wavelength peak. Does the same thing work for the receiver? I mean OPT101, is a photodiode with a range of, let’s say 400-1100 with a peak at 850-860nm. Through my research, I didn’t manage to find any other photodiode like this one with a wavelength of 800-1500. Do you know or can you suggest one?