Hi There,
I got the Input and Display Carrier Board with the SAMD51 MicroMOD and so far, this rocks. However, the project I am looking to use it for would require the screen be rotated 90 degrees, like “landscape mode”, but the device seems to only work in “portrait mode”. Is there anyway with the built-in print (myTFT.print()
function to get this to happen?
While it would be possible to attempt “landscape” mode with modification on the user’s side it is not currently configured to operate that way as-is from the HyperDisplay library (https://github.com/sparkfun/SparkFun_Hy … y/issues/8). I’m sure that if someone invested enough time into modifying the library that it could be possible, but I’m not sure if SparkFun has the bandwidth to make those adjustments at this time. However, if you add to the GitHub issue it could help make the issue a higher priority but is subject to the bandwidth they have to cover their entire catalog (which is a lot)