Installation Directory olimex gccfd

Dear OpenOCD Users,

i would like to use the olimex gccfd development suite.

The problem is that i do not have enough space available

on my C-Drive and want to install the programm on

e.g. L:\ARM.

I did not found out how this is working?

Option /D=L:\ARM did not work.

I would be very pleased if anyone could help me.

Thank you very much in advance.

Best Regards


Hello Christoph,

what do you mean with gccfd?

Do you use the ARM-USB-OCD?

Best regards,


Hello Michael,

i have a dev-board for the LPC2103F from SILICA.

There is included a GCC-compiler, Eclipse and OpenOCD.

It is called “Olimex’s ARM-JTAG-OCD GCC for Dummies”.

For debugging the ARM-USB-OCD might be used.

To install the compiler, Eclipse and OpenODC there is

one install programm (OLIMEX-GCCFD-141206.exe)

on the CD included. This installs all the programms

on the C-Drive. The install program for the software-

package is Nullsoft Install System 2.20

There is no posibility to chose the installpath during

the installation procedure.

I found some hints at Nullsoft for command-line

installationi options but it did not work.

Perhaps someone here in the forum did work with

the programm already and could help me.



Hello Christoph,

take a look here:

Perhaps this will help you, here you will find everything you need to start.

Even you will find some how-to’s. By the installer you can set the

directory you like.

I know the ARM-USB-OCD cd, I belive that WinARM is used here,

WinARM can be found here too: … ts/#winarm

Best regards,
