Installation issue BME680

I purchased a BME680 module from Sparkfun. I installed it on a breadboard and connected a clone Arduino UNO. The red LED on the board is on so I assume that it has power (+3.3V). When I use pins D18(STA) and D19(SCL) I get

“23:1:26.198 → Starting I2CDemo example program for BME680

23:1:26.203 → - Initializing BME680 sensor

23:1:26.206 → “ and no further activity.


If I use pins D9 and D10 I get

“23:26:53.951 → Starting I2CDemo example program for BME680

23:26:53.955 → - Initializing BME680 sensor

23:26:53.958 → - Unable to find BME680. Trying again in 5 seconds.

23:26:53.961 → - Unable to find BME680. Trying again in 5 seconds.

23:26:58.997 → - Unable to find BME680. Trying again in 5 seconds.”

This continues every 5 seconds.

The program is I2CDemo.

The library by SV Zanishin ver 1,10 - in the Arduino Library Manager,

Is it necessary to have the STA and SCL lines held high - I did not do this as I assumed it was done on the board.

I would appreciate any help.](

On an Arduino Uno connect :

Uno    BME680
A5      SCL
A4     SDA
3V3    3V3

Pull-up are on the BME680 board. If it does not work try to use an i2Cscanner (many on internet). Maybe your address is different than you use in the sketch