Integrate Qwiic button into Qwiic python library

After doing some (late) research I’ve had the unfortunate discovery that the Qwiic button is not supported by the Sparkfun Qwiic python library. This has brought me to a bind, as my project is based on a Raspberry Pi Zero W, a Sparkfun Servo pHat and I need the buttons for external input. Since the pHat is supported in the python library and is easy to work with on the Pi, the fact that the buttons only have an Arduino library is driving a wedge in my project.

Any ETA on when the Qwiic button would be supported by the python library? Or is there a workaround to this situation?

Thank you!

I don’t know that a python library for these is being worked on at the moment, you might want to [file an issue on the Arduino library (or in the python library) to let the code monkeys know there’s demand for a python lib. :-)](Issues · sparkfun/SparkFun_Qwiic_Button_Arduino_Library · GitHub)