I have problem interfacing MSP-F149 with SimCOM GSM module, please help…
Used hardware:
1.Easyweb 2 board (MSP-F149)…have rs232 DB9 ser.port. I manage to send and receive strings form and to PC Hyperterminal (9600,1,noflow control,0)…so my code works…for no HW flow control
- Sim300c board used with sim340DZ module…this board have rs232 DB9 port too, and datasheet says that GSM module works with HW flow control…so I connected it to PC hyperterminal and i can send AT commands…and it works…
How can I connect MSP-F149 with sim340dz with HW flow control…how to conect seriall pins to each other??? null-modem…
MSP-149 have rx,tx,GND, and sim340dz have rx,tx,GND,rts,cts,dcd,RI,DTR,and no DCD pine…
PS. sorry about my english…