Interfacing MSP-F149 with SimCOM GSM module


I have problem interfacing MSP-F149 with SimCOM GSM module, please help…

Used hardware:

1.Easyweb 2 board (MSP-F149)…have rs232 DB9 ser.port. I manage to send and receive strings form and to PC Hyperterminal (9600,1,noflow control,0)…so my code works…for no HW flow control

  1. Sim300c board used with sim340DZ module…this board have rs232 DB9 port too, and datasheet says that GSM module works with HW flow control…so I connected it to PC hyperterminal and i can send AT commands…and it works…

How can I connect MSP-F149 with sim340dz with HW flow control…how to conect seriall pins to each other??? null-modem…

MSP-149 have rx,tx,GND, and sim340dz have rx,tx,GND,rts,cts,dcd,RI,DTR,and no DCD pine…

PS. sorry about my english…
