Interrupts are not getting called in uSDcard project using A

Hi all,

I am new to working with STM324 microcontrollers. I was running a uSDcard project on STM324 board using Atollic and I did that successfully.

Since we have licensed version of ARM DS-5 I was migrating uSDcard project from Atollic to DS-5. I was able to that to certain extent. ARM DS-5 application is loaded in to RAM(unlike Atollic where application uses flash). I have modified scatter file accordingly.

I used CMSIS drivers and utilities. I succefully ran small projects like LED lighting and LCD display. But for uSDcard project SDcard ISR were not being called. Just to cross check I tried toggling LEDs based on SysTick_Handler. That is also not working.

I verified that the handler is installed by dumping the memory at 0x0000003C and that address does point to the SysTick_Handler. Disassembling SysTick_Handler shows a branch to the function call which I have written in SysTick_Handler, so I think the vector table is properly loaded and contains valid calls.

Can anybody help me to fix this? Thank you in advance.

This should be obvious but you don’t mention it: did you enable interrupts?

I rebuilt the project on ARM DS-5, which was perfectly working fine on Atollic. So I think thats not the problem !

It still could be the problem, if Atollic enabled interrupts in the startup code, and ARM DS-5 doesn’t. It would be my best guess as well, and it is worth looking into.