InvenSense MPU-6000 - tri-axis accel and gyro in a chip


The [MPU-6000 looks like a great component as it integrates in a single package three accelerometers and three gyrometers ; it is a 6DOF ! This solution eliminates gyro/accel cross-axis misalignment. The measurements are done simultaneously.

The interface is either a SPI or an I2C so easy to use.

Will Sparkfun propose this component on a Breakout Board ?


The problem with Invensense products is that although their hardware looks nice enough, their support isn’t great. No proper documentation and no proper code for working with these chips :confused:

I am also extremely interested to know when/if there will be a breakout board for this chip.

As they told me the evaluation board for this chip, that should be used as good break out board, will be available in mid-april. There will be an SDK with fully linux support (I think windows, and android support too) but the availability is scheduled to May (maybe ?:).

Quoting Inopia I’ve to say that Invensense MPU product are not well documented nowadays but I think that guys are working a lot to deploy the IMU/MPU family in a fast moving scenario. So probably the products are not well tested yet and they dont want to take risks in spreading the implementation of concepts and method used in these platforms before the final deploy to market.

I’ve used an IMU3000 EVB (that is similiar to IMU6000 except the accelerometer is carried out the shelf) with supplyed SDK code. In my opinion the system works very well, but the code is really uncommented, bulky and unoptimized. Keeping in mind their target (in demostrating the platform capablities and not to deploy an SDK to fully support the developers) I’ve to say that IMUs/MPUs platforms are really good products with innovative concepts into, but, at the moment, they are addressed to high level skill developers who examine the code and understand what it does.

It cuts a market slice keeping out mean skilled end users…

I hope Invensense keeps the scheduling right for the 60x0 family and deploies better documentation in the future :slight_smile:

The i2c version is finally out. It comes on an eval board with a mag. I still don’t fully understand where the ‘motion fusion’ firmware is at, but I ordered one anyway. I’m just as interested in the fact that it is a single chip solution for a gyro + accel triad.

There is some kind of API, and a ‘Developer’s Corner’. I will be looking into this as I go forward.