IoT Redboard ESP-32 logging to microSD card "pull the pin high"


I recently purchased the Iot Redboard ESP-32 and nothing writes to the microSD card. I had success with the other hookup guide examples, but I am stumbling with example 3: SD Card. I believe it might be my amateur lack of understanding the term “pull the pin high”. I did close the SD DET jumper with a solder connection between the pads (see image from hookup guide). Is “pull the pin high” done with a line of code? The example in the hookup guide does not have any reference to this. Or is it a hardware modification that I overlooked?

Can anyone help explain to me “pull the pin high”? I wrote to support, but they just circled me back to the hookup guide.

Thank you,


So, you should be able to remove the solder blob from the pads and run the example normally - give that a try 1st

Then, if you would like to detect/alert if/when an SD card has been inserted…go back and put the solder blob back on the pads, and pull the pin high (yes, done with code…I looked at the schematic, the SD detect is pin GPIO16…see instructionals online for pulling a pin high, it’s simple…then do similar for GPIO16 and have it call a function if need be)

But just try getting the default to work first :wink:

Oh now I understand better. I misread the hookup guide and thought in order to use the SD card, it needed a solder blob and some code to “pull the pin high”. I see now that is only if you want feedback on “detection” of the SD card.

I did try the example code, prior to any soldering, and it did not write to the card (Sandisk 16GB formatted FAT32). That is why I thought the jumper pad needed soldered and “pull the GPIO 16 pin high” to function. I’ll give it a 2nd try without any solder.


Still no luck. I removed the solder as suggested by TS-Russell and I get the same “Card Mount Failed” message in the serial monitor with the example code.

Does anyone know if CircuitPython will run on this board? I would like to try that before I give up. Or is there a way(other than Examples > SD > SD_Test) where I can do a simple test to see if the SD card slot is maybe broken or not hooked up on this board?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.