iPod/iPhone multi-female to one male board

There’s only one dock connector per iPhone, but several different non-overlapping accessories. For example, you might want to have:

  1. External wireless song control, such as the iPod ironman watch or a car connector (uses the serial pins)

  2. Extra battery power (uses the power pins)

  3. FM transmitter (uses the audio out pins, would benefit from access to an extra battery as well)


It would be great to have some way of connecting all of these to one ipod/iphone at once, each connecting only the relevant pins to the male connector that plugs into the iphone.

I guess the simplest way would be to just make a socket version of the ipod breakout Sparkfun already sells that acts as a breakout for the accessories. Unless such a thing already exists…? Then we could simply wire up the connections ourselves however we want.

I’d just make a small board on BatchPCB, but when it comes to those iphone connectors I’m much happier getting them pre-soldered.

