I’m using the [SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32-S2 WROOM and an IoT Wifi Manager library that needs to save WiFi configuration settings to the EEPROM. I have been able to successfully write to the EEPROM, but the values appear to be erased when I power cycle the board (unplug, and reattach USB cable) or when I hit the onboard reset button.
My basic question is should the EEPROM data remain when the board is power cycled? If so, should it remain when the reset button is pressed?
I built a simple project to test just the EEPROM to remove any of the WiFi manager complications and isolate the EEPROM. It writes data and I can read the data no problem. It all just disappears when I reset the board or cycle power. Is this expected?
Here is the code I used to test this.
This is the PlatformIO configuration I used for the project.
platform = https://github.com/platformio/platform-espressif32.git#feature/arduino-upstream
board = esp32-s2-saola-1
monitor_speed = 115200
framework = arduino
build_flags =
Then I used one of the EEPROM examples to build a simple app that uses one button to write to the EEPROM and another to read from it. Here is that code in case you want to try it.
Stores random values into the EEPROM.
These values will stay in the EEPROM when the board is
turned off and may be retrieved later by another sketch.
#include "EEPROM.h"
#define LED_BUILTIN 13
#define WRITE_PIN 17
#define READ_PIN 0
int writeButtonState = 1;
int readButtonState = 1;
// Declaring fucntions for later use.
void generateTestData();
void readTestData();
// the current address in the EEPROM (i.e. which byte
// we're going to write to next)
int addr = 0;
#define EEPROM_SIZE 64
void setup()
pinMode(WRITE_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // Setting the test button to normally hot.
pinMode(READ_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); // Setting the test button to normally hot.
Serial.println("failed to initialise EEPROM"); delay(1000000);
Serial.println(" bytes read from Flash . Values are:");
for (int i = 0; i < EEPROM_SIZE; i++)
Serial.print(byte(EEPROM.read(i))); Serial.print(" ");
Serial.println("Press test button to write to EEPROM.");
void loop()
readButtonState = digitalRead(READ_PIN);
writeButtonState = digitalRead(WRITE_PIN);
// When write button is pressed.
if (writeButtonState == LOW) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
writeButtonState = 1;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
// When read button is pressed.
if (readButtonState == LOW) {
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
readButtonState = 1;
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
// Fuction to read the EEPROM at will.
void readTestData() {
Serial.println("failed to initialise EEPROM"); delay(1000000);
Serial.println(" bytes read from Flash . Values are:");
for (int i = 0; i < EEPROM_SIZE; i++)
Serial.print(byte(EEPROM.read(i))); Serial.print(" ");
// Function to generate data to push into the EEPROM
void generateTestData() {
// need to divide by 4 because analog inputs range from
// 0 to 1023 and each byte of the EEPROM can only hold a
// value from 0 to 255.
// int val = analogRead(10) / 4;
int val = byte(random(10020));
// write the value to the appropriate byte of the EEPROM.
// these values will remain there when the board is
// turned off.
EEPROM.write(addr, val);
Serial.print(val); Serial.print(" ");
// advance to the next address. there are 512 bytes in
// the EEPROM, so go back to 0 when we hit 512.
// save all changes to the flash.
addr = addr + 1;
if (addr == EEPROM_SIZE)
addr = 0;
Serial.println(" bytes written on Flash . Values are:");
for (int i = 0; i < EEPROM_SIZE; i++)
Serial.print(byte(EEPROM.read(i))); Serial.print(" ");
Serial.println(); Serial.println("----------------------------------");
](SparkFun Thing Plus - ESP32-S2 WROOM - WRL-17743 - SparkFun Electronics)