Is there a document mapping Apollo3 Blue pins to Arduino pins?


While I am waiting for my boards to come in the mail, I thought I would start writing some basic code to upload for when they boards are ready.

I then realized I don’t know how to correlate the Apollo3 Blue pins shown in this datasheet, … apping.pdf, to that of the Arduino library.

For example, Arduino’s pin 13 seems to correlate to Apollo3’s GPIO pin 4. I can gather a few by viewing Sparkfun’s RedBoard schematic but is there a more formal document for this?

Thank you!

I really hope the boards work… eeek!


The mapping is per-board. For example the ATP uses pin names that are identical to the pad names (the names of the pads on the Apollo3 IC). Alternately on the RedBoard Artemis (Uno clone) pin 13 corresponds to pad 5. This is done for direct compatibility with the thousands of Arduino Uno tutorials out in the wild.

Here’s the pin map for the RedBoard Artemis: … pp#L25-L60

If you use Arduino functions (e.g. digitalWrite, analogWrite, etc…) then the argument is the Arduino pin number.

If you use the HAL functions within the IDE (advanced use case) then the argument should be the Apollo3 pad number. You can convert pin numbers to pad numbers with the function “ap3_pin2pad(pin)”

Thank you so much for this information! It’s going to help a lot. This clears up a lot of confusion for me