ISR triggers on I2C event?

I’m reading the datasheet for ESP32 and appears I2C is tied into the Interrupt Vector Matrix on the chip. However, I don’t know in the Arduino environment if there’s any handler to latch that event to an interrupt service routine?

Table 7 in ESP32 Reference Manual “I2C_EXT0_INTR” … ual_en.pdf

I have a Qwiic KeyPad I want to run with an interrupt as apposed to Polling as the example shows. I’d prefer to trigger an ISR on a read from the KeyPad’s address if possible. Otherwise, I’ll do a timer interrupt.

The 3rd post here might be helpful…it looks like that might be advised against, but the poster offers a functional alternative

Stupid me, I see the example now. I must have missed it when downloading the code. My keypad died though so cannot test it just yet. Put in an RMA request. The buttons do function but I2C encoder chip must have died. It won’t put anything out over I2C. Tried three processors, and multiple different pieces of code including the example that worked perfectly before. Probed lines with scope as well. Nothing comes out over I2C :frowning: