Issue with access to interface with M6e Nano after setting Autonomous mode

Hi Moderators!

We have been testing the M6e Nano, and running through the thingmagic C# Codelets included in the MercuryAPI to test various functions. It is connected to a lab power supply running at 4V, which has been suitably working for scanning etc for many weeks.

We tested the “AutonomousMode” codelet, which just appeared to enable a GPIO trigger for performing a read. The output of the compiled demo was as follows:

PS C:\tools\Anaconda3\Mercury\mercuryapi-\cs\Samples\Codelets\AutonomousMode\bin\Debug> .\AutonomousMode.exe tmr:///com9 --ant 1 --enable
User profile set option:save all configuration with read plan
User profile set option:restore all configuration [/i]

Immediately following this command, we lost serial communication with the module and running the command to turn AutonomousMode off could not complete as the module did not respond over serial. This is the output of the command run immediately:

PS C:\tools\Anaconda3\Mercury\mercuryapi-\cs\Samples\Codelets\AutonomousMode\bin\Debug> .\AutonomousMode.exe tmr:///com9 --ant 1 --disable

< needed to Ctrl-C to break out as it was just hanging >

I have power cycled the module, the serial interface and the PC to confirm none of them were impacting. I can still see some serial data coming to the computer when I open a putty terminal, but it is not human readable. Attached is an image from the oscilloscope of the serial data captured following a power cycle. None of the other utilities (i.e: Universal toolkit, python api’s or other codelets) are able to communicate or detect the module over serial.

Any guidance on what can be done to resolve this issue would be fantastic.



Having studied the binary code in detail before, I did not see this format earlier (and I have not tried autonomous either)

FF 02 9C 0C 0C 02 01 DE 11

FF header

02 length of data (2 bytes)

0x9C unknown opcode ??

02 01 databyte 1 and 2 ??

DE 11 checksum

FF 04 2F 0C 0C 01 22 0C 0C 6C C3

FF header

04 length of data

2F embedded opcode

0C 0C error code ( unknown)

01 one embedde instruction ( data byte 1)

22 read continuous opcode ( data byte 2)

0C 0C error code (unknown) ( data byte 3 and 4)

6C C3 checksum

The programming manual states:

To disable autonomous mode, disconnect and reconnect to the reader via the API.
This will automatically call the reader.stopReading() method to stop continuous
reading. Continuous reading will start again if the module is rebooted unless a new
read plan is stored with the read planʼs object enableAutonomousRead set to false.

There is a seperate autonomous reading tool that might be needed. A user guide is on … original=1 or get it from Jadak … ser-guide/

Have you tried to connect to the URA and see whether it can be stopped ?

Hi Paul,

I have attempted to use the URA and it is no longer able to detect the module since the Autonomous mode was enabled. This is following reboots of both the module, serial interface and the computer.

I will attempt the automomous reading tool you sent me and let you know if it is successful.

Dropped you a private message.