Issue with H3LIS331DL data rate


I am working with H3LIS331DL (accelerometer sensor) with the raspberry pi. On the datasheet it states that the data rate is supposed to be up to 1000 Hz, but I am only getting 200Hz. The connections I have to the raspberry pi 0 are:

-SCL to GPIO3 (pin 5)

-SDA to GPIO2 (pin 3)

  • 3.3V (pin 1)

-GND (pin 9)

Please let me know if you need any additional information.

Thank you

The hardware is capable of 1000Hz, but you may need to do some work to get that,

You do have to configure the data rate by setting the ODR bit in order to get 1000Hz but I don’t have any information for you on how to do that on a Pi. (not sure what the default rate is) You might double check that you have the rate set correctly. Another thing that could be slowing you down is your code, or how fast the I2C bus is running.

Hello, I also have this problem.

I am running H3LIS331DL with the power mode set to normal and a data rate (ODR) of 1000Hz, through a Arduino Uno. However, on the serial monitor, the highest data rate I can see (using a baud of 2,000,000) is about 250Hz.

Any ideas how I can get the full data rate?

Maybe the power mode needs to be set to ‘low power’ or something like that? I am not familiar with that sensor but this was the case for the LIS3DH

Thanks for the help, I tried on all of the power settings and it always just outputs 250Hz on the serial monitor. Bizarrely this data rate is not one of the available ones for the sensor, only 50Hz, 100Hz, 400Hz and 1000Hz

Don’t suppose you have any other ideas?