Issue with N MOSFETS and my PCB

Hi Everyone,

I could really use some help here. I’ve designed a project and it’s just not working according to plan. A little background: I’m a biologist and never understood or liked MOSFETS. I’ve simply never gotten them to work as expected. I’ve had great luck with all sorts of relays, but never mosfets. I’m trying to figure out if the issue is with my board and wiring or my understanding of how the mosfet should have been wired.

The issue I’m having is that when I try to drive the mosfet the led (or laser) dims, but does not shut off completely. So I think there is something wrong. There are 3 boards and 4 mosfets per board. All mosfets behave the exact same way, so it seems like an issue with my design. These are N type MOSFETS COM-10213

I’ve used Sparkfun’s Eagle tutorials to design the board (fantastic tutorials!).

All components are from Sparkfun.

The board is from OshaPark.

This is an image of a Sparkfun Tutorial that I used to design the mosfet circuit. … sCr0yy042N

From here I interpreted this as power going to the device unimpeded, through the device, and shorted to ground at the mosfet (meaning the mosfet must be activated to complete the circuit to ground). I added the mosfets in Eagle and used these schematics to guess what are the drain, source, and gate. Gate was intended to go to the Arduino pin. Drain is supposed to connect to ground on the device and source goes to the actual ground to complete the circuit. I used these schematics to design the board. … rjmZD3ERbq I hope this applies to the mosfets I chose.

Now this is the PCB board design in eagle. Does this look correct or did I botch something here? … 8FvqV7WLFx

And here is a zoomed in look at just one of the mosfets. … hG6sst10Ws

Here is an image of the actual PCB. My interpretation of the MOSFETS is that they go Gate, Drain, Source from left to right. … C_w3JkAlAr

When I test my connections with the multimeter, some things make sense to me, and some unfortunately don’t. The left pin of the mosfet, Gate, does indeed always connect to an Arduino pin. So I think Gate is good.

Drain should go unimpeded to the devices ground, in my case the left ground pin of the jst connector. But I do not get a connection. I am not sure why. According to the eagle schematic, I thought I should. Drain instead appears to go to the ground of the power supply and not the jst connector. I am not sure why.

Source seems to go to the ground of the device. This now appears to me as if the pins on the mosfets are just not accurate? Any help is greatly appreciate. I fear I may need to print all new boards and get new components. :cry:



I don’t believe the links to my images are coming through, so I’ll try to send them as attachments instead.

Sorry. it’s giving me a lot of difficulty in posting the images.


Finally a link to the image of the board itself. … C_w3JkAlAr

Sorry for all of the hassle with the images. I’ve tried to insert them using the image icon with the link and to send them as attachments. Seems iffy either way. Regardless, I appreciate the help.

Arg. Gut punch. So I’m now guessing this is as simple as I accidentally used a schematic for a P mosfet instead of an N mosfet? If I redesign the board and swap the source for the drain, it should work correctly? There’s no other solution other than redesigning the PCBs correct? At least it’s a mistake I’m not likely to repeat in the future.


Hi FB.

It happens, we have an [entire wall of bad boards here because of mistakes like that so you’re not alone! Yeah, you’d need to swap connections to use a N channel MOSFET. Might be easier to just grab a P channel part with the right pinout instead though.

One thing you might try in the future is to develop your schematic first, and breadboard the design to make sure it functions properly, then make your PCB. You’re a lot less likely to get a bad surprise that way. … _Wall2.jpg](Buried Pad PCB Fixing - News - SparkFun Electronics)

This does make me feel a lot better. Well I got my hands on a the same exact N Mosfet and now have it working on a proto breadboard. It seems to work well. Is it possible to have someone glance at this revised Eagle schematic for the mosfets? I just swapped the drain and source and will rebuild the board. Does it look OK now? Then I’ll route in Eagle and re-order the board components.


FB … hLDQ_TCG6b_ … Ss24llXktV

Well, I revised the board and reordered it from OshPark. Ordered new components from Sparkfun and we’re back in business. Works perfectly now. And now I know to double check the schematics for N or P type MOSFETS. Should be the last time I make that mistake.



Glad it’s working for you FB!

It hurts, but mistakes are how you learn. You will do even better on your next try! :slight_smile: