Isuues with BNO080 connected via SPI

If the main loop evaluation time in an Arduino sketch is slightly larger than the update rate of the sensor (BNO080), the sensor will not report any updates via SPI any more.

Not sure, whether this is a library problem or whether there is some internal (inside the BNO080) buffer overflow, which stops the sensor from working properly.

Problem was already submitted as issue in Github library: … -603773585

and seems to be similar to the following problem … -603773585

First Link should be: viewtopic.php?f=83&t=52017

First Link should be: viewtopic.php?f=83&t=52017

Second link 🙈

Unfortunately this problem occures due to the chips software, which resets the chip “if the host fails to respond to the assertion of H_INTN” (BNO080 Datasheet).

For more details see … /issues/42