JTAG wont connect to TI TMS320DM368 with OpenOCD

Im looking for some advice on how to JTAG a TI TMS320DM368.

I have a Jlink and ahve tried with both Jlink commander and OpenOCD.

I have decided to setting on using OpenOCD for now so that I am focusing on jsut one applciation and not continually changing what is required.

basically I get the all zeros error when I attempt to connect.

It doesnt matter what device I use it still fails (dm365, Ice, Divenchi).

I have gone back and read the TI document again and also obtained the BSDL file. Im not sure how to incorporate this into OpenOCD. There is also a note in the BSDL file that states

“The chip RESET will need to be high before trying to do boundary scan. If the BSDL tool does not use TRST pin, please put a 10K Ohm pull up resistor on this pin.”

I assume the BDSL tool is OpenOCD and that I should add a pull up resistor to the TRST/Reset pan on the JTAG on the board?

If anyone has had experiance with the TI TMS320DM368 and OpenOCD I would be really appricaitive of some help to get this running. I beleive that this combination of software and hardware should be able to work together. TI doesnt support this CPU any more and Stegger dont provide any support for it either with there software. All of the relivent articles appear to no longer exist on the old TI WIKI but I was able to get a copy from Github. Even then the inforation is vague at best and has holes in it.

Hoping someone can provide advice or a good push in the right direction.