Julian Clock, Count up in DDD, HH:MM:SS

I have been digging around the interwebs looking for some DIY articles, information or any available guides on building a COUNT UP style clock. I have found that they are called “Julian” clocks and I am interested in building one. I actually want to build one to use at our office to display the duration since our last unplanned incident…

  1. I am not sure of what display to use, whether it be a SSD or led matrix.

  2. I am not sure if I should do it with Arduino or perhaps ATtiny?

Anyone have some information on these types of clocks that could point me in the right location? If you have some insight, let me know. I appreciate it!

Julian or modified Julian ?


In either case it’s a lot of digits. How big and how bright do you want them ?

You could have one of these (or it’s kin) …


or a bunch of …


or …


Pick your display first, then the “controller”.