I need to reset knock sensor after a hit.Can you tell me if that’s possible with out physically hitting the sensor.Thanks
What knock sensor?
fast draw timer
sorry here is code
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
unsigned long start, stop;
const int knockSensor = A1;
const int ledPin = 13;
const int softwareTx = 8;
const int softwareRx = 7;
SoftwareSerial s7s(softwareRx, softwareTx);
unsigned int counter = 0; // This variable will count up to 65k
char tempString[10]; // Will be used with sprintf to create strings
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
while (analogRead(knockSensor) <=10);// wait until sensor greater than 10
for (int i=0; i<3; i++)// declares i, tests if less
{// than 10, increments i by 1 until i equals 3
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);// turns pin 13 on
delay(500);// pauses for 1/2 second
digitalWrite(13, LOW); // turns pin 13 off
delay(500);//pauses for 1/2 second
delay(random(2000, 5000)); // delay from 2 to 5 seconds
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);// light turns on
start = millis();
while (true) {
s7s.print((long)(millis() - start) / 1000.0);
if (analogRead(knockSensor) >= 10) { // if sensor greater than 10 counter stops
stop = millis();
break; // stop's while loop
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
s7s.print((long)(stop - start) / 1000.0); // calculate's time time
s7s.write(0x76); // Clear display command
No, I deliberately asked about what knock sensor that you have. What is connected to analog input A1 on your arduino? How do we know how it functions if we do not know what it is?
Piezo Knock Sensor
At which point in the program does it get stuck where you want it to continue? And by what trigger? There are 2 places where it gets stuck until a knock is detected.
Please be creative and give precise suggestions what you want as a different solution. I don’t do “rewrite my code” requests. I want you to understand that code first.
I need to reset knock sensor after a hit.
Since you can’t be bothered to identify the sensor, check for a reset button.
Completely forgot about that. There’s a button on the Arduino board to do what you want.
Thanks, Valen! I forgot about that one too.